πŸ•Έ The State Of Web Data In 2024 (Not What You Expect)

Use Data Or Be Used By Data!


The July 15 issue of Seotistics is here for you!

Data, data is everywhere! But how are companies reacting to it?

There is a lot of misinformation outside and the AI crowd doesn't even care about data management.

P.S. v2 of my Analytics for SEO course is out on July 22, so the next Seotistics issue will come out on Tuesday.

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The Average Situation in The Average Company

In the vast majority of cases, there may be a data team, tasked to collect data and be a reporting factory.

You as an SEO/Marketer ask them to give you the data you need.

It takes time and you wait and wait... and then the data is not what you wanted.

Managers ignore your prompts and the result is a mediocre report...

oh and I forgot to mention that GSC and GA4 have limits?

You can't go past the last 16 months in GSC and GA4 is affected by quotas limits!

This scenario is very common...

It's not normal for a data team to be a reporting factory.
I like to think of data professionals as capacity multipliers.
Much like SEOs handle website management and visibility at scale.

The Exponential Growth Of Data -> This Is False!

For years we have been brainwashed that data is growing exponentially and that we need more storage and capacity.

Since 2017, I've been listening to this argument.

Well, it's completely false, as Jordan Tigani (one of the founding engineers of Google BigQuery) claims in his article.

Only a few companies have Big Data and need tools to handle it.

In SEO/Marketing, this is quite uncommon because we don't actually need a lot of data to make decisions.

No, you don't have that much data.
Many companies never reach the 1TB threshold of useful data.
Data rarely grows exponentially in companies, don't be scammed!

πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ The other myth is that BigQuery is "expensive", which is completely false.

It costs a few bucks to store your GSC and GA4 data in most cases.

But then why do some people complain about costs?

Because they didn't optimize their tables!

Data Engineering is complex and there are many operations to perform, like:

  • Removing useless columns
  • Choosing the right types for the columns
  • Partitioning/Clustering/Sharding
  • Writing the correct SQL code
  • Structuring the tables correctly
This exhaustive article by Axel Thevenot shows you how a Data Engineer does it.

Many agencies migrate data to BigQuery and then forget...

but that's not how it's supposed to work!

That's why we need engineers or technical people who know what to do.

Drowning In Data? Here's The Cure

The idea is quite simple, managing data is not necessarily the responsibility of a marketer but why not learn it?

Storing data is one thing but handling all the rest requires a little bit more work on your end.

Documenting data, use cases and processes takes time and consistent improvement to ensure people understand you.

You don't need to bother about access management or other stuff as a marketer...

but how to use data depends on you since you are the domain expert.

The State Of Things

Too many solutions on the market are a waste of time and money.

Some years ago, I was auditing some custom tools (for a client), aimed at emulating SurferSEO and suchlike.

I have never been a fan of them because they are overpriced and almost pointless...

anyway, this custom tool wasn't needed at all because:

  • there was no solid content team
  • no overarching strategy or view
  • no process(es) to support the tool

Common sense recommends that this is a BAD decision.

Now, handling this situation properly would have saved them a lot of money.

Operations: The Unsung Brother Of Strategy & Tactics

Strategy and tactics are everywhere, but operations get often ignored.

Operations act like the glue between strategy and tactics, despite many business books tend to place operations below tactics (wrong!).

Most of the stuff we do can be codified in terms of processes and documented.

I don't have strict rules for documenting processes but I try to make myself as clear as possible.

Before you plan something, you must ask yourself if it's feasible and if the current processes of the company support that.

I've worked a lot of times with websites that wanted crazy content plans and strategies but didn't have any resources.

This misalignment in expectations is what causes grief and disappointment.

Get comfortable with processes and with software like Notion, Airtable, Confluence and ClickUp (or whatever you like).

Make and Zapier are great additions to automation and we need more people who know this!

Just don't get too obsessed with automation or you will lose the goal of Analytics, which is simplification and adding value.

What's Missing In The Industry (And You Can Leverage)

We started this issue with the issue of data teams and you being misaligned with the management...

If you are a little bit wiser than the rest, you can specialize in abstraction and strategy.

Yes, you got it right.

Being a little bit better at common sense and tying SEO tasks to business wins.

This is even better with good data skills, so you don't just talk in vain.

This stuff actually adds value:

  • Store the data so you bypass both GSC and GA4 limits for a few bucks
  • Build processes and document what you do. Everyone will appreciate this because you are not like the others.
  • Choose the minimum viable stack to get the most results. Avoid excess.
Data teams can help you in your Marketing journey but you, the domain expert decide what to report.
Or you can become hybrid and master the essential skills without bothering other people (and get paid more).

This looks easy but it's not and requires you to be a little bit more technical than your pure SEO/Marketing counterparts.

Yes, you need actual technical skills, you can't walk away with speech and promises.

You can get help with my course which was crafted after years of hard work:

[Analytics For SEO Course - v1]

v2 will be released on the 22nd of July and will add 40-50% more content (check program preview).

Come join the Seotistics Academy!

You will:

βœ… Use GSC and GA4 Data to their fullest potential

βœ… Learn Python/R/SQL for your needs

βœ… Get a complete blueprint for auditing websites

βœ… Learn how to 10x your productivity

βœ… Learn BigQuery to work on large websites

I teach you what's needed to go from 0 to a professional Data Analyst.

Even if you leave SEO, the foundations are the same for other jobs!

P.S. (Ab)use the referral system and get additional discounts πŸ‘€

Why Mainstream Web Analytics Is Overrated

My main complaint with modern Web Analytics is that it's Google-centric and no one talks about how to use data.

Cool, I have used GTM and then what?

This is why Seotistics exists, to provide an alternative that focuses on the uncomfortable facts of the industry.

Stuff no one talks about, such as:

  • Understanding business requirements
  • Picking the right solution

Not another GTM/GA4 hack, not 5 tips to improve your tracking and not even Tech SEO content.

When I started to play with web data, the vast majority of the resources online weren't relevant to SEO...

or they were focused on tutorials and tips rather than explaining to me why we needed something.

The same goes for other marketing channels, not just SEO!

Too many Google tools and not enough Analytics.
Analysis and suchlike mean to dissolve into essential components.
Tagging & Tracking are different fields that are often bundled with Web Analytics.

Today is the same!

I recommend testing your solutions and breaking things until you realize why you are doing something.

The gap between business and web data is more than alive.

That Time I Realized Simple > Complex

Back then I used to test a lot of cool complex solutions, for example entity scraping, analyzing text and so on...

while there are interesting use cases, it was very hard to justify them and add meaningful ROI.

So far my best and most valuable work has been:

  • Pivot tables (yes, you read that right)
  • Analyzing traffic over time (yes, correct)

Because the majority of use cases are simple enough and many struggle with the foundations.

You may want to test complex ML/AI solutions but they require a LOT more maintenance and thought.

The ROI isn't even there sometimes because they cost a lot and tying them to the business is hard.

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πŸ‘₯ Join Our Community

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If you hate all the noise of social media, then this place is for you.

πŸ”Ž Analytics For SEO Ebook (v7)

If you want to learn about Analytics for SEO and prefer self-study, this is for you!

P.S. v8 will be released around September 2024!

It will teach you or your employees to:

πŸ‘‰ Prepare audits that make sense and are actionable πŸ”₯

πŸ‘‰ Avoid common pitfalls that cost you money πŸ’Έ

πŸ‘‰ Create analyses that add value and moneyπŸ’―

πŸ‘‰ Move the needle faster with efficient SEO systems ⏳

This comes with periodical updates to keep the content fresh.

πŸ“š Recommended Reads - Peak Content πŸ—»

Read this and you will be fine:

My LinkedIn content:

πŸ“ž One-Hour Call

If you have doubts about SEO or Analytics, you can book a call with me.

Have doubts about your content website or with your data?

Look no further, I can help you:


❗️ Feedback and Recommendations

If you have ideas/recommendations for the next issues of Seotistics, you can simply reply to this email.

Marco Giordano
SEO Specialist & Data Analyst

Follow me on πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½:

Bernerstrasse SΓΌd 169, Zurich, Switzerland
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Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

The Seotistics newsletter is written by Marco Giordano, an SEO Specialist focused on content and Data Analyst. Tired of the usual SEO content? Seotistics teaches you how to use Analytics and data in your workflow while helping you with Content Management & Strategy.

Read more from Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

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