⚔ Analytics For SEO: Use Cases & Practice

Use Data Or Be Used By Data!

The November 27 issue of Seotistics is here for you!

Last time I showed you a roadmap to learn Analytics for SEO in 2024.

Step 4 was about practicing to add immediate value and get something you can smash in your portfolio.

Yes, coding alone adds immense value but I am here to show you how you can do much more!

Let's see some practical SEO use cases!

N.B. In the next Seotistics issue we will see some hardcore stuff with numbers, I warned you ;)

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🤖 The Problems Of Learning Coding Only

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Sun Tzu

Learning coding only is tactical, it doesn't make you rich or give you any competitive advantage in terms of SEO.

Sure, you can boost your productivity but you usually need much more to get results.

There are plenty of examples of efficient SEO workflows and pSEO (Programmatic) but... those are wonderful exceptions.

If we talk about Analytics, you can't stop at coding.

This is why I teach you how to use SEO data in all the possible ways to add value.

☑️ Use Cases

These are some of the most valuable use cases out there and what I would personally recommend to everyone.

I will cover more in the future but really, it all boils down to the same topics with a few variations.

🤖 SEO Automation

Big companies have other problems to think of and doing boring SEO tasks prone to errors should be their last one.

Since they have more budget, they usually invest in SEO Automation for boring processes.

This is where using a cloud platform helps you because they have you covered on everything.

From storing to actually toying with your data, the sky is your limit (if you have the know-how).

The first step could be to use the Google Search Console to BigQuery bulk export.

The final output can be everything, from dashboards to files.

Recently, I tested more and more cloud solutions to automate workflows and the potential is huge.

Common situations: Can we get the last 2 years in GSC? Can we join these tables? What are the best pages?

All of this can be solved with a simple workflow and a nice dashboard in the most common scenarios.

🔎 Market Research

What about competitors and the search landscape?

It would be nice to get some info yourself and analyze them... oh wait, you can!

You can scrape SERPs of specific websites/keywords to hunt for specific information and see what are the most common entities or patterns.

Some pay a lot of $$$ for over-hyped SEO tools that achieve nothing but tell you some obscure Keyword Difficulty values.

Doing research isn't only good for SEO but can open up a lot of opportunities in Content Marketing.

Now, with LLMs and even more solutions, you can scrape what you want and summarize the findings.

How you analyze the data is my specialty and I really recommend going further and:

  • Take the text of pages and extract entities
  • Check n-grams (check the basic.. resource in the next section)

Elias Dabbas has a great tutorial for this topic that you can follow on YouTube.

What I mentioned in the bullet list is a little bit more advanced but can be easily tackled with some good prompt engineering skills ;).

📝 Content Auditing

This is my favorite use case and where skill makes a big difference. Many audits you see are generic and soulless, not tailored to your customer.

If you have some way to store data, it's much easier to work on data and set up workflows.

I've talked countless times about this topic and here are my main takeaways:

  • Always clean your data before you start
  • Tie insights to feasible actions
  • Work in clusters, don't go after individual pages
  • Quantify risk (how many pages get 0 clicks? Does it matter?)

Practice now: Basic resource to start

After 1 year of full immersion into the topic and countless articles read, I can claim the average content audit is a spreadsheet with conditional formatting.

While audits should also include spreadsheets and documents, they can be much more and include strategy, timeframes and how to organize the project.

🐝 Going Beyond The Buzz

I've read countless "articles" and takes on the topic of Marketing Analytics and every single time I am amazed to read the same sh*t:

  • Data is the new oil
  • Gen AI/AI for stupid problems
  • Analysts will be no longer needed

This is all buzz that doesn't create any value and wastes your time.

My main concern with combining SEO and other disciplines is that we forget the end goal: making money.

Focusing too much on the fun part and less on the boring piece that is profitable.

As SEOs, we have to rank pages and earn, the rest is history.

That's why I encourage you to question the value of what you learn to avoid falling into a learning loophole.

🏎 How You Can Start Today

OK, so how can you actually start?

It's quite simple, pick a problem or a boring task and start thinking how you can simplify/automate it with your newfound skills.

This is a recap of what said before with extra steps to guide you.

Recommendation #1 - Content Auditing:

  • Connect BigQuery to Google Search Console or use the Google Search Console API
  • Pull your data and draft what you want for your audit (my ebook covers this perfectly)
  • Write your reusable code
  • Tie insights to action
  • Check the output and prepare a nice report out of it
  • Rinse and repeat, adjust where needed

Recommendation #2 - SERP Analysis:

  • Connect to ValueSERP API or any other SERP API you like
  • Query the SERP data you are interested in (e.g. USA, top 10, mobile)
  • Count how many times a website appears in search results
  • Who is holding the biggest share of your set of keywords?
  • Do you see any pages your website is missing?

Recommendation #3 - Simulate fake SEO data:

Alternative for owners:

  • Define your goal
  • Assess your current situation
  • Prepare requirements
  • Hire someone
  • Be ready to get challenged (it can happen)
  • Execute
  • Monitor

For small websites, you should start with simple DIY solutions and avoid overspending before you grow.

P.S. ChatGPT is quite good at this if you can outline clear prompts. AI is your friend in learning, not a threat.

👥 Join Our Community

Our Discord community offers a small place where we can talk business and SEO.

If you hate all the noise of social media, then this place is for you.

🔎 Analytics For SEO Ebook (v6)

This ebook is aimed at SEOs or Business Owners who want to explore the combination of SEO and Analytics.

If you want to start building your data empire, this is the (initial) path to take.

It will teach you or your employees to:

👉 Avoid common pitfalls that cost you money 💸

👉 Create meaningful analyses that add value 💯

👉 Shorten the learning time of Analytics ⏳

This comes with monthly updates because I want to create the Ultimate Guide out there.

v6 includes the following information:

✅ Strategy in terms of SEO & Data

✅ Decision Making

✅ Integrating Data with SEO

v7 will include additional info on DataViz and topics on request and will be released in December.

📚 Recommended Reads - Peak Content 🗻

Read this and you will learn more than the carousels you consume on LinkedIn.

📞 One-Hour Call

If you have doubts about SEO or Analytics, you can book a call with me.

Have doubts about your content website or with your data?

Look no further, I can help you:

❗️ Feedback and Recommendations

If you have ideas/recommendations for the next issues of Seotistics, you can simply reply to this email.

Marco Giordano
SEO Specialist & Data Analyst

Follow me on 🔽🔽🔽:

Bernerstrasse Süd 169, Zurich, Switzerland
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Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

The Seotistics newsletter is written by Marco Giordano, an SEO Specialist focused on content and Data Analyst. Tired of the usual SEO content? Seotistics teaches you how to use Analytics and data in your workflow while helping you with Content Management & Strategy.

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