πŸ’Ά Get More Traffic With Strategy & Proven Tactics

Use Data Or Be Used By Data!


The September 4 issue of Seotistics is here for you!

Strategy and tactics are the lost art of SEO.

Content & Links aren't enough to build a brand a stay profitable in the long run.

Guess what, I am here today to show you the darkest secrets of warfare and why data play a crucial role.

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πŸ”‘ Strategy Vs Tactics

These terms are used interchangeably in Digital Marketing (and this is wrong).

But they tend to be quite different in practice:

Strategy refers to what you want to achieve and to your plan.

Tactics is how you want to achieve your plan.

Failing with tactics doesn't mean your strategy is bad... because you can try multiple tactics.

But your strategy should be consistent and believable.

Using ChatGPT isn't a strategy but a tactic and this crucial difference can net you more opportunities.

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.
Sun Tzu

πŸš€ How Strategy Can Skyrocket Your Results

If you have clearly defined goals and good tactics, success isn't that far.

The 2 essential requirements are:

  • Resources
  • Valid people

Without them, you are simply playing a losing game.

Before you start a project, be sure to consider WHO will participate and how many resources you can use.

This is step #0 to ensure your plan will get through.

Considering that many of your competitors may not have a solid strategy, this is a good way to conquer some market share.

Strategy is ALWAYS essential but you can still grow without one. The problem is when you get a hard reality check...

πŸ”‘ SEO + Tactics + Data = Execution

Content & Links are necessary, of course.

But how much value does this advice add? Close to 0.

People don't know how to write content and publish it, let alone update it and scale it all.

This is where a good knowledge of tactics helps you.

Instead of wasting years by testing the obvious, you can save quite some time with proven tactics.

You still need years to become fully proficient in SEO but at least, you will save a lot of time!

For example, you don't need to prove or test that backlinks work, it's literally how search engines work.

I am not a big fan of testing crazy theories because the ROI is often negative.

But I am a fan of testing based on what's been done, a different story.

You can use the knowledge of others to implement effective tactics.

Using your data allows to find opportunity (like checking GSC data) and to change your actions (e.g. fixing decay).

🧠 Intelligence To Win The Market

Communication and intelligence have always been must-haves to win against the competition.

Having more information than your competitors can often let you win.

Imagine a publisher who knows trending topics before the others.

An Ecommerce that knows which products will become mainstream...

A content website that is able to publish the right articles at the right time for their audience.

And now let's have a look at how you can implement this.

Analytics is a big help to study your website and find what's needed.

Many of your competitors will never reach that level of depth (just hope they don't read this newsletter 😜).

Having the right data can let you easily win because your competitors just don't know (and you do).

As usual, you need a good strategy and decent tactics to use data to its fullest potential!

πŸ“ˆ How I Used 1 Tactic To Get Past 1K Clicks/Day Without Paying For Links (Not Yet)

Niche websites (in the US) are hard, no matter what Twitter claims.

I launched my first one and the results are satisfactory so far, even though the road is still long.

Since I picked a niche where everything is saturated, I had to adapt.

Flanking is particularly ideal in this case so I focused on specific query formats to build topical authority.

[Wait a sec, what's this flanking??? I tell you in my thread]

Once you have 3-4 big clusters, you need to update them consistently and improve internal linking.

It's not complex but writing that much is not for everyone.

If I get approved by Mediavine good, else I have to aim for Raptive or alternative solutions.

Oh and I am also extending flanking to affiliate articles!

The next step is now building valuable backlinks to this asset because it would be stupid to only rely on content.

I targeted easy queries to start (as you should do) but it's not a sustainable solution long-term, you need links!

πŸ’‘ 5 Easy Steps To Formulate Your Strategy

If you are looking for something quick, here's the answer:

  1. Vision/Mission
  2. Goals
  3. Resources
  4. Find your core competencies
  5. Action Plan/Documentation

If you can have all of the 5 points, then you are ready to think about tactics.

Point 4 is where you should be honest and find your strenghts and weaknesses.

The important thing in strategy is to suppress the enemy's useful actions but allow his useless actions.
Miyamoto Musashi

N.B. I've omitted Operations, the third level we need to make sense of strategy and tactics. Don't worry though, this is already enough for you to get results.

Read my next issues to know more πŸ‘€

πŸ“Š Seotistics - Advanced Content For Ambitious People & Content Websites

I will publish the first articles this week so I can start my ambitious plans of going live with Seotistics.


If you have always wanted to read in-depth content, this is the website for you.

I will post Case Studies, crazy material and my findings from time to time.

Tired of the basic sh*t and hate when random scripts are called "Data Science"? Seotistics is THE place.

🧡 My Selection Of Twitter Threads

My threads help you with tactics and what you can possibly do with your websites:

I've never seen these topics discussed elsewhere in SEO... and they are quite important since they are valid in every context!

πŸ‘₯ Join Our Community

Our Discord community offers a small place where we can talk business and SEO.

If you hate all the noise of social media, then this place is for you.

πŸ”Ž Analytics For SEO Ebook (v5)

This ebook is aimed at SEOs or Business Owners who want to explore the combination of SEO and Analytics.

If you want to start building your data empire, this is the (initial) path to take.

It will teach you or your employees to:

πŸ‘‰ Avoid common pitfalls that cost you money πŸ’Έ

πŸ‘‰ Create meaningful analyses that add value πŸ’―

πŸ‘‰ Shorten the learning time of Analytics ⏳

This comes with monthly updates because I want to create the Ultimate Guide out there.

v5 includes the following new information:

βœ… More than 2x the original size

βœ… 10+ Python/R Notebooks

βœ… How To Detect Seasonality/Anomalies

βœ… Content Audits in Detail

βœ… Exclusive Content

v6 will be the BIGGEST update so far and will include:

πŸ‘‰ SQL Queries

πŸ‘‰ ChatGPT Prompts

πŸ‘‰ Updates To All The New Use Cases

πŸ‘‰ Frameworks & Models

πŸ“š Recommended Reads

Special guest today my friend Abdulrahman Henedy, who wrote a book about growing websites up to 6 figures.

I will give you better recommendations about strategy and tactics in the next issues!

❗️ Feedback and Recommendations

If you have ideas/recommendations for the next issues of Seotistics, you can simply reply to this email.

Marco Giordano
SEO Specialist & Data Analyst

Follow me on πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½:

Bernerstrasse SΓΌd 169, Zurich, Switzerland
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Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

The Seotistics newsletter is written by Marco Giordano, an SEO Specialist focused on content and Data Analyst. Tired of the usual SEO content? Seotistics teaches you how to use Analytics and data in your workflow while helping you with Content Management & Strategy.

Read more from Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

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