🏹 Small Is Better: How Small Websites Can Thrive

Use Data Or Be Used By Data!


The May 27 issue of Seotistics is here for you!

The majority of you own a small website or probably want to invest in a side hustle or personal brand.

Maybe you often work with small businesses and not gigantic corporations...

this is for you!

I'll avoid repeating what was stated in my last issue, which is important to understand this one.

P.S. This applies to everything, not just SEO.

P.P.S. I've extended the offer for my Analytics for SEO course!

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Small Websites Today

As discussed before, small websites have it hard because has raised the threshold again.

Gone are the times when you could write 300 articles and flip the website for 40x its monthly revenue. πŸ˜ͺ

So this means you have to try harder now!

Omnichannel is the way to go and especially social media...

N.B. Small is hard to define, you can even make 500K Users/month and be "small" in your niche.

So take the expression small with a grain of salt!

How To Overpower Bigger Opponents

Being small has its perks, you don't need to view yourself as inferior.

Big websites are slow and often lack the same passion that you have...

in most cases their content quality is also less than optimal.

All of these reasons open up new spaces for you to creep in.

Small websites give you more flexibility and simplicity at the cost of lacking most resources and (often) a solid brand.

This isn't always true though... you can be small and have a niche brand.

P.S. This time my resources section is quite big, don't forget to scroll down and check it out!


As seen last time, you can attack one topic/cluster instead of going for a frontal attack.

You stand no chance against a big website...

Think about Semrush/Ahrefs' blogs.

They are high quality and it's hard to match the level of their infographics and visual content.

If you ever happen to cover the same topics... just don't think of SEO as your primary channel!

Having more and diverse information won't make you rank because they have a stronger backlink profile and are actual brands.

You can do the following though:

  • select a topic where they are weak
  • expand on that and go beyond the nice visuals
  • go all in on that
  • use DIFFERENT channels

Content audits are where many websites offer vague and generic info that doesn't help businesses.

You would never use 3rd-party data when you have access to your own...

see? You can do a lot of debunking and education.

Most content is generic and you can simply position yourself as a contrarian, as long as what you say can be proven.

For content auditing, you see that my article is clearly flanking what others do:

  • I don't talk about the usual simple but wrong approach
  • It covers much more than SEO
  • There are no generic definitions

This tactic requires you actually know what to do and your topic/audience.


This is the best scenario.

Instead of looking for fights, you go your way.

In SEO, I think it's impossible to target new markets or opportunities due to how Google is saturated and also because Reddit/Quora would rank now πŸ˜‚.

(Mind you, US/EN markets, if you want to rank in Myanmar, go ahead)

For other channels, this strategy is always reliable as there actually are untapped markets.

This is what Seotistics also does, as the (mainstream) Web Analytics industry follows different rules:

  • mostly interested in tech over insights
  • weak domain knowledge
  • extreme focus on Google tools

Seotistics bypasses the current players and focuses on the analytical side with a bit of insider knowledge.

It's a new mix and didn't actually copy anyone, although I could try to apply flanking when competing on specific topics, e.g. content audits.

Some people would define this as content arbitrage:

Content arbitrage happens when we take this existing content from one place andβ€”with minimal effortβ€”leverage it for higher value somewhere else.
Ryan Law (from this article)

This is the best way to compete in B2B spaces in my very personal experience.

Ryan recently talked about content arbitrage in the era of AI and the gist doesn't change...

build your USP, study positioning and combine different disciplines.

This is the advice I can give you after years of testing...

Dark Social (& Hidden Engagement)

This is the most important concept in Digital Marketing for me.

We are under the spell that everything can be tracked and privacy doesn't exist.

Well, we aren't able to correctly attribute or identify some traffic.

This often includes word-of-mouth and sharing content in private circles.

Yes, far from the reach of nasty LLMs...

If you've followed Seotistics enough, you know that I am against the obsession for accuracy.

In most cases, you just want to make good decisions and fast.

Forget about accurate web data, it doesn't exist.

This is why it's hard to evaluate the success of some B2B content.

My most viral posts never brought me much money...

the niche ones did!

Information Gain... Nothing Ever Happens

An old term sold as new to get easy attention...

but nothing changed.

You shouldn't be different or provide new information because some guy online told you so!

As already explained in my recent social media posts, it doesn't change anything about what you already do.

I didn't even discuss much about data here because we need variety and...

the next newsletter will go heavy on that once again!

The Aid Of Products

Yes, I do recommend having products if you can create them.

Ebooks, courses, and even productized services are better than relying on content alone.

It's easier said than done, as getting users doesn't mean they will be ready to buy.

No, adding your products now won't make you recover from the Google update.

You need them for other reasons, like making more money and diversifying your offer with something tangible.

And speaking of products...

[Analytics For SEO Course: Preorder]

Limited offer, 30% off my Analytics for my Analytics For SEO course, releasing June 17!

I've extended the offer until the launch and I am getting excited over this release!

You will:

βœ… Use GSC and GA4 Data to their fullest potential

βœ… Learn Python/R/SQL for your needs

βœ… Get a complete blueprint for auditing websites

βœ… Learn how to 10x your productivity

βœ… Learn BigQuery to work on large websites

I teach you what's needed to go from 0 to a professional Data Analyst.

Even if you leave SEO, the foundations are the same for other jobs!

P.S. (Ab)use the referral system and get additional discounts πŸ‘€

The Case For Ecommerce

This isn't really my specialty but it's clear that what I said applies to the nth power for Ecommerce.

Flanking and bypassing are reflected by the products you sell and how you promote them.

There is more nuance than simply focusing on SEO and calling it a day.

Some Homework For You

This issue isn't about you reading and then moving on.

You need some active effort to apply what you just learned today.

It's common to see people saying "but this book is theoretical!!!" because most are not used to practicing after they read!

Active effort is required if you want to absorb what you read.

Think about:

  • your current situation
  • your desired situation
  • any of the tactics covered here

This is already great material for people in strategic positions thinking about execution.

If you plan on building a new website or growing an existing one, start considering the following topics!

You are not inferior, focus on the opportunities and keep annoying the big players!

The New Referral System

Invite friends with your unique link and get rewarded! Since this system is new, let me know if something doesn't work!

P.S. This is still a WIP as I need to make it nice, go stack your rewards in the meantime πŸ‘€

Refer Seotistics and get rewarded!

Refer Seotistics to get amazing rewards:

Your referral link: [RH_REFLINK GOES HERE]

🎁 Refer 3 Subscribers: Get tagged in a LinkedIn/X post
🎁 Refer 10 Subscribers: Get included in the next issue of Seotistics as a supporter
🎁 Refer 25 Subscribers: 25% discount for Analytics for SEO [Ebook]
🎁 Refer 50 Subscribers: 50% discount for Analytics for SEO [Ebook]
🎁 Refer 75 Subscribers: Free copy of Analytics for SEO [Ebook]
🎁 Refer 100 Subscribers: 1 hour of consultation
🎁 Refer 125 Subscribers: 25% off my Analytics for SEO Course
🎁 Refer 150 Subscribers: 2-hour consultation
🎁 Refer 200 Subscribers: 35% off my Analytics for SEO Course
🎁 Refer 301 Subscribers: 50% off my Analytics for SEO Course
🎁 Refer 404 Subscribers: 75% off my Analytics for SEO Course
🎁 Refer 500 Subscribers: Free Analytics for SEO Course


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PS: You have referred [RH_TOTREF GOES HERE] people so far

See how many referrals you have

πŸ‘₯ Join Our Community

Our Discord community offers a small place where we can talk business and SEO.

If you hate all the noise of social media, then this place is for you.

πŸ”Ž Analytics For SEO Ebook (v7)

If you want to learn about Analytics for SEO and get the best written resource out there, this is for you.

It will teach you or your employees to:

πŸ‘‰ Prepare audits that make sense and are actionable πŸ”₯

πŸ‘‰ Avoid common pitfalls that cost you money πŸ’Έ

πŸ‘‰ Create analyses that add value and moneyπŸ’―

πŸ‘‰ Move the needle faster with efficient SEO systems ⏳

This comes with periodical updates to keep the content fresh.

πŸ“š Recommended Resources - Only Peak πŸ—»

This time I am going all in and recommending some peak books.

This isn't the usual business slop with platitudes and feel-good takes.

You need to put some effort into it though, these are not books to memorize.

Some of my content:

(I really need to prepare new blog posts for y'all!).

The Art of War by Sun Tzu can look like a generic book but it's amazing with more context...

most of these books above require practice, re-reading and context from each other (or other books).

Yeah, understanding them takes actual effort!

Great tools:

πŸ“ž One-Hour Call

If you have doubts about SEO or Analytics, you can book a call with me.

Look no further, I can help you:


❗️ Feedback and Recommendations

If you have ideas/recommendations for the next issues of Seotistics, you can simply reply to this email.

Marco Giordano
SEO Specialist & Data Analyst

Follow me on πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½:

Bernerstrasse SΓΌd 169, Zurich, Switzerland
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Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

The Seotistics newsletter is written by Marco Giordano, an SEO Specialist focused on content and Data Analyst. Tired of the usual SEO content? Seotistics teaches you how to use Analytics and data in your workflow while helping you with Content Management & Strategy.

Read more from Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

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