πŸ†• Learning ideas for the New Year

Use Data Or Be Used By Data!


The January 2 issue of Seotistics is here for you!

The New Year just started and now it's the perfect time to start upskilling yourself!

I can't predict the future but I can give you some nice ideas to consider to diversify your skillset or take a different look at your business.

Consider this issue as the perfect opening for 2024!

P.S. I tell you what I have noticed according to my experience. Stating what you already know would be too boring ;)

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Negatives: What NOT to obsess over

In SEO we have to read every day about shiny objects and crazy changes.

In practice, not much changes and it's always about the 3 pillars: content, technical and links.

I can tell you for sure that the following has always been fluff:

  • Voice Search
  • Dissecting patents
  • Complicating simple topics

Most SEO projects fail or don't work out for stupid reasons, for example, lack of budget or qualified workforce.

Execution is what makes the difference in a project. If you have to spend time on something, be it execution and management.

More Marketing Channels

I often speak about specialization and niching down rather than being a generalist...

but you can still be a specialist while diversifying your skill set.

If you work with content websites as I do, it's not the best period to only rely on Google.

For this reason, I recommend studying the following:

  • How to convert articles into posts/videos that get engagement
  • Ads and ads again. At least being able to run some effective campaigns.
  • Email marketing, the ultimate conversion channel.

This has never been new but now it's getting mandatory considering the search landscape.

I don't think an SEO has to learn every single alternative but at least have a vague idea of how social media and email marketing work.

Different Disciplines

I find it hard to believe that you can succeed with only SEO. We have seen in the past how it was to create the average website:

  • Stock WordPress template
  • 101 SEO Content with a terrible structure + FAQ at the end

While this worked before, it wasn't helpful to create a brand or launch a business.

This is why I stress the importance of knowing the business and branding as a whole.

Many disciplines have a strong synergy with SEO:

  • User Experience (UX) & Design
  • Content Marketing (or Marketing in general)
  • Analytics/Data Science
  • Sales
  • Web Development
  • Automation
  • (Project) Management
  • Digital PR
  • Psychology/Neuroscience/Behavioral Sciences

You have many choices but I recommend you only pick one first and see how it synergizes with your existing workflows.

Never choose something that won't be of use for your daily work.

Use Case 1 - Content Mgmt & Distribution

Let's say you own a business and SEO is one of your channels, (hopefully) the best one in terms of traffic.

Aware of the latest developments, you decide to diversify as much as you can before it's too late.

Given you have 1000 articles, you can select some and do the following:

  • Group them in clusters (if you haven't already)
  • Pick the most interesting and repurpose them on different channels
  • Create a content calendar for effective scheduling

This is easy to do but few actually spend some time to do it.

I've talked too many times about this topic and 2024 is the right time to start reassessing and promoting your content.

Some methods you can use to classify your articles are:

  • ​Content Tagging (URL patterns)
  • By Tags & Categories (if your CMS supports them)
  • Arbitrarily (you pick your own rules)

Managing content has always been a challenge and it will get more complex as time goes by.

Current gaps in the industry: Content Management (as a whole), holistic view of marketing channels

Use Case 2 - Good Ol' Analytics

The other common use case I can think of is managing a big website.

Here is how you can help them with your newfound skills:

  • Organizing their SEO data
  • Analyzing their existing processes
  • Analyzing data to give insightful recommendations
  • Prioritizing the right tasks
  • Simplifying existing workflows

When handling a big website, you can't simply barge in and propose a LOT of new initiatives.

The budget and the workforce are already allocated somewhere else and you need to figure out where to look.

My process is always the same, both for small and big websites, with the caveat that in the latter scenario, I need to be more detailed and careful.

Current gaps in the industry: lack of focus on decision-making, weak ties between business, SEO and data,

Use Case 3 - Automation All The Way Up

The favorite use case for many is automation, be it for SEO or the website in general.

There are many many examples of effective automation, as shown by the likes of Lee Foot.

Now with Custom GPTs and AI, you have 0 reasons to sleep on this.

I am not an avid AI user but here's where it helps me:

  • Scraping SERPs for quick research
  • Fixing the grammar
  • Coding stuff in less time

AI per se doesn't replace coding at all, it's just a way to code faster.

There are infinite opportunities for automation but only some of them are actually profitable or useful.

The most successful applications I've seen so far are:

Organizations that are big enough have the resources and capacity to build custom tools and the results are amazing.

Current gaps in the industry: Lack of site-wide integrations (e.g. an entire flow like the one I discussed with Airtable), custom/bespoke software development.

A Recap On Some Common Industry Gaps

If you have read until this point... congrats, here is a recap for you!

  • Content Management is still an underdog
  • Analytics is king if you work on medium/big projects
  • Offering custom solutions for specific websites is massively underrated

Seotistics can help you in learning more about these skills while preserving your SEO role.

That said, I don't think SEO will get much more complicated, just more competitive.

You can use these gaps I recommend you explore new opportunities though.

πŸ‘₯ Join Our Community

Our Discord community offers a small place where we can talk business and SEO.

If you hate all the noise of social media, then this place is for you.

πŸ”Ž Analytics For SEO Ebook (v6)

This ebook is aimed at SEOs or Business Owners who want to explore the combination of SEO and Analytics.

If you want to start building your data empire, this is the (initial) path to take.

It will teach you or your employees to:

πŸ‘‰ Avoid common pitfalls that cost you money πŸ’Έ

πŸ‘‰ Create meaningful analyses that add value πŸ’―

πŸ‘‰ Shorten the learning time of Analytics ⏳

This comes with monthly updates because I want to create the Ultimate Guide out there.

v6 includes the following information:

βœ… Strategy in terms of SEO & Data

βœ… Decision Making

βœ… Integrating Data with SEO

v7 will include additional info on DataViz and topics on request. Currently scheduled for January 2024.

πŸ“š Recommended Reads - Peak Content πŸ—»

As usual, some good resources to start learning today. Some of them you probably know already but it's always good to remind things.

If you ask me, there are even too many opportunities to position yourself as different compared to 5 years ago!

πŸ“ž One-Hour Call

If you have doubts about SEO or Analytics, you can book a call with me.

Have doubts about your content website or your data?

Look no further, I can help you:


❗️ Feedback and Recommendations

If you have ideas/recommendations for the next issues of Seotistics, you can simply reply to this email.

Marco Giordano
SEO Specialist & Data Analyst

Follow me on πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½:

Bernerstrasse SΓΌd 169, Zurich, Switzerland
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Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

The Seotistics newsletter is written by Marco Giordano, an SEO Specialist focused on content and Data Analyst. Tired of the usual SEO content? Seotistics teaches you how to use Analytics and data in your workflow while helping you with Content Management & Strategy.

Read more from Seotistics - Analytics & SEO

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